Vandal-resistant coin payphones with smart technology. 24/7 monitoring through our exclusive smart technology & internal systems. Each is equipped with a Self-Diagnostic system that reports back to PTS and is dispatched using a custom state of the art dispatch system.
PTS can monitor and manage your payphone(s) more efficiently and at a lower cost. Combining our services with our expertise in collecting dial around, and operator service calls, PTS allows you to maximize the revenue from your phone. PTS has a fully trained staff to install, maintain, repair and collect payphones across the nation.
Don’t want callers to use coins? PTS offers vandal-resistant coinless phones. Calls can be made by debit card, credit card, toll-free, or collect.
Provide FREE calls to your visitors, customers, patients, and/or inmates. Courtesy phones are constructed of vandal resistant stainless steel and can be recessed in the wall. Live Operator Services, programming abilities to block or allow only certain types of calls or numbers.
VOIP compatible phone equipment for businesses and facilities choosing phone service via their internet service.